Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Why Run?

I posted on Facebook the other day about having gone for a run. And someone asked, why run? Why not walk?

I am NOT an athletic person in any way, shape, or form. At all. And if someone told me a few years ago, I would be a runner, I would have laughed in their face. Really. But 2 years ago, I decided I needed to do something for my health. Or more precisely, to keep my health. We ALL know that a good diet and exercise is the way to go. So with no other goal in mind than to "kinda get in shape", I started the C25K program. C25K stands for "Couch to 5 Km". Sounded just about perfect for me. Especially the couch part cause that described my starting point perfectly. So on FB, I updated my status as "C25K???" And my very bestest friend from high school suggested that we do it and we do it together. Even though we live on different continents.

And you know what? We did it! And I have to give a lot of credit to my friend who kept me going. It was great motivation checking in with her after each run and keeping each other updated and inspired. Not that we/I just breezed through it. It was HARD at times. But it was sooo motivating, as I moved through the program, to see and feel how I was getting a little better each week. And as I realized, that maybe, just maybe, I can do this, I started feeling such a sense of accomplishment.

So there's my answer. Why do I run? Because it gives me a huge sense of accomplishment. It's something I never, ever thought I could do. Yet I can. It still surprises me.

This is the website I used. It's brilliant and I highly recommend it. It's intervals of walking and jogging. The first week the jogging intervals are 60 seconds. So it started out at my level. ;) You increase the jogging and decrease the walking each week and by week 9, you're at 30 minutes of jogging. You have to work though, it doesn't just come on it's own. The first weeks I was purple and dying, staring at my stopwatch and praying to God for the 90 seconds of jogging to be over. But you get better.

Here are some other benefits of jogging (besides the sense of accomplishment thing). It's free!!! Definitely a bonus. I can't afford/don't want to/ refuse to pay gym membership fees. And the nearest gym is a 20 min drive. So I'm looking at 40 min just in driving. Or I could just go out my door and be done in 40 minutes. Another benefit is fresh air!! Totally love running outside. I bought an ellipse machine when the weather got really cold and icy and snowy, thinking that would keep me going. I hate it. Staring at the 4 walls of my bedroom during my work out was soooo boooring. I was ready to stab myself in the neck with a sharp object just to put myself out of my misery. Outside is where it's at. And last, but definitely not the least, I'm kind of in shape. I'm no athlete. And I'm pretty sure I look like the girl in the yellow jacket when I'm running. But I can feel the benefits and that's pretty darn cool.

Running isn't the only thing that gives me a sense of accomplishment and makes me feel good about myself. Eating leftovers makes me sooo happy. I joke not. I've fed my family, it didn't cost me anything (extra), and I don't feel guilty for throwing perfectly good food away while people in the world starve to death. I heart leftovers!! Hmmm.....I feel another blog post coming on. What makes you feel good?


  1. Well...one of the things that makes me feel good is your blog. Totally mean it. :)
    After my "near death experience" of 2010 being able to function both mentally & physically makes me feel good every day. More than that, it makes me truly thankful.
    You've inspired me today.

  2. I'm so glad you posted this Alicia! I started the C25K a few weeks ago, as something to do with Hannah, and of course, get myself in shape. I had to stop because I twisted my ankle and sprained it, but hope to get back at it. I was running on very uneven ground and took my eyes off it (pleading to God for strength to do it...LOL). It'll take at least 6 weeks to heal my ankle though. I also put my back out a few days later. Ugh! I know you can sympathize because you have problems with your back sometimes too. Anyway, I was wondering how it becomes 5K? It's all timed running, so how does it eventually lead to a 5K? Do you just run 5 km now to make sure that's the distance you're doing or do you just run for 40 minutes and are done? I'm scared that by the end of it, I'll be running the amount of time it says, but because I run so slowly, I won't make the 5K. Do you know what I mean? Thanks again for the blog! It was inspiring!

  3. Kim, YOU make me feel good! I was touched by your comment. I'm so glad you're in a better place now. HUGS!

  4. Crystal, for me, running 30 minutes is NOT 5K. I am slooooow. After I was done the program, I decided to run 5k around the track at the school to see where I was in relation to 30 mintues of running. I think it took me about 38-39 minutes. I've been able to shave a few minutes off of that but I'm still not a fast runner. But I don't care. I'm gettin'er done. ;)

    1. Thanks Alicia. I'm VERY slow too. I think that's the right attitude - I'm gettin'er done. (Funny, I can hear your dad say that. You sound just like him).

  5. Okay - here I am chiming in too!! I just said the other day to Tim - I wish I was a runner. THere's something freeing when I see someone running - even if it is a slow moving runner - I see someone who is dedicated and persistent (two qualities that I don't possess but would love). I have many dreams where I am just running and running and I love the feeling. I just read an article in my TOPS magazine about the 5 K run - am I too old and arthritic to try this?? Keep these blogs coming Alicia - as Kim R. said - very inspirational.....
    Brenda M

    1. Brenda, I don't think you're ever too old or arthritic. I get The Running Room newletter and all those stories are just people just like me or you... people who NEVER thought they'd ever be a runner. I wish the running room was closer. I think I'd get out with them sometimes. It would be nice to have someone to run with. And they really cheer you on!

    2. Plus, if you do decide to do the program, and you're finding a particular week difficult, you can always repeat a week or weeks until you're feeling confident enough to go on. Take it at your own pace. You won't know unless you try! :D :D

    3. Thanks girls for your encouragement!! Crystal maybe you could come to Moncton and we could run at Mapleton Park?? Alicia - you're right I won't know until I try. I asked Tim if he wanted to try the Couch to 5 K experiment...I think I could convince him!! Have a great day friends....

    4. Sounds good Brenda! Just have to get this stinking ankle healed up! Hannah also loves to run! And Alicia, I never thought of that... repeating a week until I feel comfortable about going on! Great idea!
