Thursday, January 10, 2013


It's been a nice week for me. Maybe not so much for Emilie who has had the flu since Saturday. Poor girly. But I enjoyed the cuddle time and she's back to school again today. I've been "single mom-ing" it lately as Sindre is still off making money in Poland. And I have to say, it's going pretty well, running things here by myself! Yay for me!

I started something this week. It's been something I've been thinking about for a long time. I quietly set a goal  for myself, not really daring to say anything, afraid to say it out loud. Not that it's a big, huge thing, but it's kind of  big for me. I decided, quite a while ago, that I would run 10 kilometers by the time I turn 40. 10k is definitely not a marathon, but it's something. Definitely more than nothing....which is where I was a few years ago.

I did C25K (Couch to 5K) a while ago and I can really recommend it! I was pretty much starting out at a zero fitness standpoint. I had a lot of excuses though and I kind of needed them to keep it from being overwhelming. I wouldn't run in the morning, after dark, in the rain, in the cold, in the snow and I avoided anything that looked like a hill. I've shed some of my excuses over the past few years. I'll run in the morning. And after dark. I hate the bad weather though. But no more excuses. This time, I'm ALL IN!

So this week I started C210K. It's been great! And it's fun starting it at a standpoint of semi-fitness. I'm keeping it challenging by running in the hills. GO ME! And I'd love some company! Here's a link to the program. Be warned! It's addicting. ;) Click here!

In other news, work continues on the house. I'm getting so impatient! I'm so excited to get started on the interior. I took some pics on the way home from my run the other day. It was so pretty at sunset.


  1. I see your snow has disappeared! :) The house is coming along, isn't it? I can imagine how you just want to get your vision started for inside. I would feel the same way.
    Good luck with the running!
    Oh, and in the second to last picture...I'm pretty sure there is a Sasquatch peering at your house from on top of the hill. ;) heehee

  2. Haha, Kim! I just looked back at the picture to see the Sasquatch. Alicia, you might not want to run after dark... hehe!
    Love the pictures of the house. And you GO GIRL! I still haven't finished the C25K yet with Hannah. We've had some bad weather and it's slippery. I should get myself some spike thingys for my sneakers, but I love snowshoeing and skiing, so that's what I'm doing for fitness these winter days. Maybe in the spring, I'll start again. Let us know the progress you're making though!

  3. Didn't you all know that the Sasquatch is native to Norway?? Oh yes. The native Norwegian Sasquatch....good in stew. ;)
