Friday, August 17, 2012

Back in the Game.

Well, folks. I guess it's time to get back in the game. We got home from our absolutely fantastic holiday in Canada last Friday. And got right down to business. We bought a new hardwood floor for our current house before we left for Canada. And it had been sitting in our living room all summer waiting for us to come home and be installed. So late Monday evening, after a birthday party, we (when I say "we", I mean Sindre, my outstanding, wonderful husband) started moving all the furniture over on to one side of the living room so we could pull up all the old floor. It was a messy job because under the floor is concrete. And concrete is dusty. We had a white layer of dust over everything. And I couldn't get in my kitchen for a few days because of all the furniture stuffed in there. But, my wonderful honey (I can't even begin to tell you how great he is!) worked from the second he got home from work and all evening, everyday, until everything was done Friday night.

Moving all the furniture to one side:
Removing the old birch laminate to reveal the concrete:
Laying a plastic barrier and a sound absorbing layer:

Putting down the first boards! Wide plank oak with a matte white wash:

The finished result!

And I LOVE it!! Very happy. So we've got to enjoy it while we can. Cause as of August 31st, we are the new owners of an old house that needs a complete overhaul. We'll live in our current house while we work on the new one for as long as we can. Things are gonna be tight, for sure, for a while. But we're so excited about the end result. Although I'm pretty sure I'm gonna have a nervous breakdown along the way. Probably two. Or more. Time will tell.

So....I'm afraid you'll have to go through the ups and downs with me, while I blog our journey to our "Desired Haven". It's gonna be quite the ride!


  1. You're back! I was so happy to see your new entry this morning and will gladly go along your journey to your haven with you. Feel free to break down when needed. :) Having gone through several renovations for the past 22 years, I have had a few of those myself. Perhaps Sindre will want to call Kevin when that happens. heehee
    I love the flooring your chose for your current home. So clean and crisp looking. Now....I need to know more about your coffee table.....

  2. I absolutely love the new floor! I love all the light streaming in through your windows too! I feel the same as Kim... blog away and feel free to have your breakdowns too! :) We'll try to help you through it!

  3. Thanks girls! Glad to know I've got my support group in place when the breakdowns start! ;)
