And believe it or not, the TV has hardly been on for days!! It's been glorious. It was also a long weekend so it couldn't have come at a better time. Ahhhh!! Can you hear the sun soaking into my soul from there?? Cause it's loud and clear here. ;)
I do have a few little projects on the go though. I found some very pretty cotton yarn on sale the other day. It was such pretty, summer colours that I couldn't leave the store without it.
And who can resist a good sale, I ask. So I've been crocheting some summer dishcloths from this lovely, free pattern I found online. Our girls' group (called "forening") had our last get together before the summer break last night. We decided to play BINGO for fun and each of us brought a little prize for the winners. I brought 3 of the dishcloths, one in each colour. I didn't win a thing. I guess I need to work on my bingo skills. So now I'm working on some dishcloths for myself.
We also have started working on the stair/foyer makeover. My absolutely awesome husband closed in my stairs for me. And I'm sooooo happy. No more dirt and dust collecting under there anymore.
I know the picture is sideways. I have it saved the right way on my computer but for some reason when I upload it to my blog it reverts back. Dunno.
Today I'm starting the sanding and I'll hopefully get to some wood filling at some point this week. The stairs are in really good shape seeing they're only 7 years old but there are a few nicks and dings I want to fix before we paint. I want to paint it with a high gloss, white paint. This makeover is going to take some time. We're just doing it a little at a time when we have the money and the energy.
Other exciting news this week....I think I'm getting a new piano!!! Not new new but new to me new. It's a black Yamaha about 20 years old. My current piano has pretty much come to the end of it's life, may it rest in peace. We're going go take a look at the Yamaha tomorrow so wish me luck!!